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Peaceful Minds Play Therapy

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Jackie Ebben-Marsh

Play and Creative Arts Therapist

PGDip Play Therapy, PGCert Therapeutic Play
BSc (Hons)Social Work, Certified AutPlay Therapist

Welcome to Peaceful Minds Play Therapy, where your child is the leader of their own well-being journey. 

Using the familiar setting of play, we create a space for your child to explore, empower, challenge and trust at their own pace and in their own way.

English speaking service for international families.



"Our son struggled with anxiety and communication issues, but through creative and engaging play therapy techniques, Jackie has helped him express his feelings in a safe and nurturing environment. The games and activities are not only fun but also address specific emotional and behavioral challenges. We heartly recommend Jackie to other parents seeking support to their child."

- Parents of a five year old expat boy

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